Around this time I also became quite active with the Scovill Children's Zoo (conveniently located across the street from my house!), working in their summer Zoo Crew program for two years where I was quickly chosen for a new program called Junior Biologists (J.B.'s). Under the guidance of Chuck Hirst, I learned how to care for many of the zoo animals and eventually acquired a large collection of exotic animals kept in the secret guts of secret zoo buildings (secret!). Barely into my teens, I'd already worked with tenrecs, cheetahs, sirens, gators, scorpions, vinegaroons, sugar gliders, and just about anything else you can imagine...well, except whales. I guess I didn't work with whales. Anywho, Chuck also got me volunteering at the Rock Springs Nature Center, where I was responsible for caring for our native animal exhibits and teaching camps and classes to larval humans. I did these programs for many years until Chuck moved and the J.B. program was dissolved for all intensive purposes.
During this time I gave up on Decatur Public Schools and was accepted at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) in Aurora, IL. This sophomore-senior residential high school with spectacularly advanced math and science programs and a college-style atmosphere challenged me and opened doors to opportunities I never dreamed I would have. I began a multi-year mentorship project, under the advisory of John Thompson, in which I monitored a nasty pond in Chicago (the South Pond, by the Lincoln Park Zoo, for those familiar with the area). My then-roommate Kathy Barnes and I had a blast developing sampling protocols and learning how to use (and not to use) various pieces of limnological equipment. On top of this project, I also began a stint into the world of educational technology with Jim Gerry and Sara Goek. We specifically studied ways to streamline data-collection in the field and lab through the use of handheld PDA units. We gave talks on our work at many national and international conferences, including the AECT's international tech convention in Chicago and NECC in both Philadelphia and San Diego.
Junior year at IMSA I took a Hutton summer internship with the Illinois Natural History Survey at the Kaskaskia Biological Field Station in Sullivan, IL. For the first time in my life I got paid to do fieldwork; I could not believe that something so wonderful could be labeled as "work," and I loved it so much that I returned to work the same Fisheries Management position the summer after my senior year. For more information and photos of what I did at this job, under the guidance of Dr. David Wahl, check out my forum post here.
After graduating from IMSA, I enrolled as a biology major at Lawrence University in Appleton, WI. For the summer after freshman year I landed a wildlife tech job with an awesome non-profit conservation research organization in Kelly, WY, called Craighead Beringia South. This job will receive its own post in due time, so I won't elaborate here other than to say that it was really freaking awesome!!!!! During that same summer I also took a conservation ecology course at a remote field station in the Boundary Waters, MN, which I will speak more about in a later post. After sophomore year I took a summer wildlife tech job with the United States Forest Service in the Tonto National Forest, AZ. This job was also totally amazing and will likewise receive its own dedicated post at a later date.
And that brings me to the beginning of my junior year of college, where I currently stand (err, sit, actually), procrastinating preparations for my third day of classes tomorrow, and digesting the heaping plate of lamb vindaloo, basmati rice, and pita that I had for dinner...
1 comment:
Great job on your blog, Brit!!! Ken told me about it, so I checked it out via the link now on his blog :)! I learn a lot from Ken as he writes his blog, and shows me all the pictures he takes; I expect I'll learn a lot from your blog too. I'm going to put a link to your blog on mine, and although most of my activities & interests are indoor, I hope you'll check it out :).
Take care!
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