Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pack Our Parks! Illinois state park closure date nears

Hey all, I received an e-mail today about another event aimed at drawing attention to the proposed closure of several Illinois state parks, and which obviously hopes to prevent these closures. The event is taking place this Saturday, November 1. For anyone who lives in IL or is close to an IL state park, please participate in this event!!! It will only be successful if a lot of people take part. Besides, it's gorgeous out this time of year and it will be winter before too much longer!

Also, if you have not yet signed this petition to save IL state parks, please do so now! It only takes a few seconds to sign the online petition, and the only info you need is your name!

Here is the e-mail I received about the Pack Our Parks event:

Friends of State Parks:
Many of the partners working on the state parks effort have organized a fun event for this Saturday, November 1 called Pack OUR Parks, or POP Illinois.

The action is to take time on Saturday and go to your local state park. There are no planned events, but please go to your park between 10:00 and 11:00 AM "as a prime time for maximum attendance for media exposure."

As the invitation said, "Your park could be next… Show our legislators and our Governor how much our parks mean to us!"
Please pass this along to all of your friends.
For more information please contact:
Jane Hovland, Chair, POP Illinois or 217-412-0801
or go to POP Illinois at Calendar of Events

The online petition at is doing quite well, thanks to all of your efforts to pass the link on to your friends. We have over 32,000 signatures, including paper petitions sent in to our office. Please continue to tell your friends, and if you haven't emailed your friends yet, please point them to the petition and urge them to sign.

Marc Miller, Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn
Room 414, Stratton Building
Springfield, Illinois 62706-4700

Direct Phone Line: 217-557-5625
Stratton Office Main Line: 217-782-3734
Fax: 217-782-9879 -or- 217-782-9728
E-mail: (main webpage) (water webpage)

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